Marvel Autograph Cards-Editors

Manufacturer: Marvel Entertainment Group 1991

Basic set: 32

1 Terry Stewart (President) 17 Mike Rockwitz (Editor)
2 Tom DeFalco (Editor In Chief) 18 Jim Salicrup (Editor)
3 Mark Gruenwald (Executive Editor) 19 Rob Tokar (Managing Editor)
4 Carl Potts (Executive Editor) 20 Renee Witterstaetter (Managing Editor)
5 Craig Anderson (Editor) 21 Nel Yomtov (Editor)
6 Bob Budiansky (Executive Editor) 22 Tammy Brown (Advertising)
7 Bobbie Chase (Editor) 23 Dana Moreshead (Advertising)
8 Don Dailey (Editor) 24 Mariano Nicieza (Advertising)
9 Danny Fingeroth (Editor) 25 Steve Saffel (Promotions)
10 Bob Harras (Editor) 26 Lou Bank (Sales)
11 Glenn Herdling (Managing Editor) 27 Bruce G. Costa (Sales)
12 Marie Javins (Managing Editor) 28 Dave Kosinski (Sales)
13 Terry Kavanagh (Editor) 29 Sven Larsen (Sales)
14 Ralph Macchio (Senior Editor) 30 Mike Martin (Sales)
15 Marc McLaurin (Editor) 31 Tom Brevoort (Managing Editor)
16 Fabian Nicieza (Editor) 32 Kelly Corvese (Managing Editor)

Comments: This is an interesting and novel set in that it consists of comic portraits of various Marvel staff employees. The card backs contain a blank space for autographs from the person on the card front whom you were to meet at various comic shows. The image above is of card #3 (Mark Gruenwald) with his signature on the card back. Obviously, an entire set with each card signed by the person would be worth quite a sum - and would be rare indeed. I know of only one such set in existence.
