Marvel Comic Stickers (Italy)

Manufacturer: 1987-1990 Marvel Entertainment Group, ed. Star Comics

Set: 41 stickers, and counting...

Captain America (Captain America & Hawkeye)
Daredevil (running along rooftop)
Daredevil (same as above but w/ text box on lower right "Ti Aspetto in Edicola")
Daredevil w/ Elektra (sword blades in foreground)
Elektra (holding sword, black border)
Elektra (fighting monster, black border)
Fantasic Four (breaking through wall, white border top and bottom)
Fantastici Quattro (Fantastic Four) (space background, black border)
Fantastic Four (shown captured by Viking(?))
Fantastic Four (in energy beam)
Fantastici Quattro (Fantastic Four) (each character inset on four corners of sticker)
Fantastici Quattro (Fantastic Four) (all 4 being launched like rockets with villain in background - on red background)
Fantastici Quattro (Fantastic Four) (same as above but with text "Ti Aspettiamo in Edicola" on the bottom)
Hulk (red background)
Hulk (fighting Thor)
Hulk (shown w/ bullets bouncing off)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (w/ Foolkiller, yellow background)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (same as above but with text "Ti Aspetta in Edicola")
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (swinging away while being shot at from a villain on a rooftop - black border)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (same as above but with text "Cercami in Edicola")
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (swinging over residential area)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (swinging over city - black border)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (fighting the Beetle)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (fighting the Owl, black border)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (swinging toward viewer - on yellow background)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (swinging away from villain shooting - on yellow background)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (w/ evil Kraven on yellow background)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (same as above but with text "Cercami in Edicola")
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (reproduces Todd McFarlane cover - Spider-Man in green circle w/ white background)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (same as above but with text "Ti Aspetto in Edicola" on bottom)
L'uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) (dodging red rings being thrown by The Ringer - on yellow background)
Amazing Spider-Man (reproduces comic cover of Spider-Man fighting giant spider - on white background)
Spider-Man (on web w/ blue background - white eyes)
Spider-Man (on web w/ blue background - red eyes)
Spider-Man (in yellow circle w/ green background)
Spider-Man (same as above w/ copyright text along left side)
X-Men (Cyclops & Jean Grey)
X-Men (Cyclops & Jean Grey) (same as above but with text "Ti Aspiettamo in Edicola" on lower right)
X-Men (new and old team w/ white background, black border)
X-Men (Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler) (breaking through wall, black border)
X-Men (Wolverine & Wendigo)

Comments: These stickers measure roughly 4 1/2" x 3 3/4" and came polybagged in various Italian distributed Marvel comics between 1987 and 1990. Star Comics was the publisher of Italian-distributed Marvel comics from 1987-1994. These stickers were included (2 per comic) in the first issues of Star Comics titles Uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) and Fantastici Quattro (Fantastic Four). They were included in the following issues of Uomo Ragno ed. Star Comics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and these issues of Fantastici Quattro ed. Star Comics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. There are also color variants to these stickers, but it is not known how many total stickers were produced. For the Italian-impaired, "Cercami in Edicola" translates to "Look for me (the comic) at the newsagents" and "Ti Aspetta In Edicola" means "It is waiting for you at the newsagents". Thanks Federico!
