GDMJR's Overpower checklist page has disappeared, so I thought I'd host his fantastic checklists here - but all credit goes to GDMJR....enjoy!
___________________________________________________________________________ / V3 \ {-----===== C L A S S I C O V E R P O W E R =====-----} \___________________________________________________________________________/ C L A S S I C O P H E R O E S / C H A R A C T E R S Hero/Character Grid (Total) Inherent Ability ABSORBING MAN 5-5-7-1 (18) "Molecular Mimic" from Reserve ANGEL: HORSEMAN OF APOCALYPSE 5-7-6-2 (20) BARON MORDO 7-3-2-6 (18) BETA RAY BILL 5-4-7-6 (22) May play any Thor Special cards BLACK PANTHER 2-7-5-6 (20) BULLSEYE 4-8-4-2 (18) CAPTAIN MAR-VELL 6-6-6-4 (22) Energy Rating is 8 for defense DAZZLER 7-3-3-3 (16) Reserve may defend D w/Power Card DEATHLOK 4-5-5-6 (20) play "Luther Manning" from Reserv DOCTOR DOOM: 2099 5-3-6-7 (21) DRACULA 3-5-6-8 (22) FALCON 3-6-5-4 (18) Place/play any F Basic Universe HAVOK 7-3-4-5 (19) +1 to attacks vs. Energy 7 or 8 HEROES FOR HIRE 2-7-8-4 (21) HULK: MR. FIX-IT 2-6-6-6 (20) +1 to attacks vs. Strength 7 or 8 HUMAN TORCH: INVADERS 7-6-4-3 (20) INVISIBLE WOMAN: MALICE 7-6-4-2 (19) IRON MAN: ORIGINAL ARMOR 4-3-5-7 (19) May have duplicate "RadarWarning" KA-ZAR 1-7-5-5 (18) +1 to attacks vs. Fighting 7 or 8 LEADER 3-4-2-7 (16) +2 defense if "Twisted Mentality" MAGGOT 4-6-4-4 (18) May play "Slugfest" from Reserve MARROW 2-6-4-4 (16) May have 1 Duplicate "Bone Snap" MOLE MAN 4-4-2-6 (16) +2 defense if "Social Outcast" PSYCHO-MAN 5-2-5-6 (18) play "Emotion Box" from Reserve PUPPET MASTER 6-3-1-6 (16) play "Alicia Masters" from Reserv REYES 6-2-2-6 (16) Intellect Rating is 8 for defense SCORPION 5-5-7-2 (19) +1 attack if opp 4,5,6 Completed SHADOWCAT: AGE OF APOCALYPSE 6-6-3-3 (18) May attack Reserve w/I or S Power SHANG CHI: MASTER OF KUNG FU 2-7-5-5 (19) play "Elixir Vitae" from Reserve SPIDER-MAN: SYMBIOTIC COSTUME 6-5-7-2 (20) SUPERPATRIOT 3-6-7-2 (18) May play Captain America Specials THUNDERBOLTS 7-5-4-6 (22) _______________________________________________________________________________ B R E A K D O W N O F C L O V E R P O W E R C A R D S 32 Characters ( 19 Classic + 3 New X-Men + 10 Clone/Variant ) 152 Special Cards ( 1 Any Character + 6 for each Classic + 3 for each New X-Men + 28 for some Previous Heroes ) 5 Location Cards 1 Power Card ( 1 Any-Power ) 24 Tactic Cards ( 8 Artifact + 16 Double Shot ) + 1 Event Card ( 1 Any Mission ) ---- 215 Classic OverPower Cards {Oddities not included: "Pink" cards like Superpatriot, Psycho-Man Fear, Thunderbolts Techno; "Yellow" cards like Bullseye Precision Shot, Black Panther Jungle Savvy, Kazar Jungle Savvy, ROM/Turbo Double Shot; Accidental insert "promos" like Any-Power Teamwork, Avenger's ID Card, Deal With The Devil, Image Inducer, Krakoa, Xavier Protocols} _______________________________________________________________________________ H E R O / C H A R A C T E R C A R D S A N D S P E C I A L C A R D S ANY CHARACTER * NEW UNIVERSE (EN) <CL> {VR} [OPD] Play to concede battle. All Mission cards Ventured this battle return to piles Ventured from. May be Placed. Counts as a duplicate of all "Any Hero/Character" EN Specials. ____________________________________________________________________ * ABSORBING MAN <CL> {R} E: 5 F: 5 S: 7 I: 1 (18) ~ May play "Molecular Mimic" from Reserve. ~ * ABSORB PROPERTIES (DY) <CL> {R} [OPD] This Special acts identical to any Hit in Absorbing Man's Hits from the Current Battle or Permanent Record. * CRUSHER CREEL (JH) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Fighting attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * MOLECULAR MIMIC (KN) <CL> {U} Play with any Basic Universe card. Absorbing Man's Power Grid gets Bonus in that Power Type for remainder of game. * REBUILD FORM (JJ) <CL> {U} [OPD] Discard 1 Power card usable by Absorbing Man to remove all Hits with same icon from Absorbing Man's Permanent Record. May not discard a MultiPower card. * TITANIA (KH) <CL> {C} Opponent -3 to Venture Total for this battle. If opponent has "The Secret Wars" Mission, opponent -6 to Venture Total for this battle. * WRECKING BALL (JZ) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Strength attack. May not be defended with a Special card. ____________________________________________________________________ ACOLYTES * AMELIA VOGHT (KH) <CL> {U} Opponent -3 to Venture Total for this battle. If opponent has "Fatal Attractions" Mission, opponent -6 to Venture Total for this battle. ____________________________________________________________________ ADAM WARLOCK * THE INFINITY WATCH (AD) <CL> {C} Avoid 1 Energy or Intellect attack. ____________________________________________________________________ ALPHA FLIGHT * MURMUR (KD) <CL> {U} [OPD] All Energy Power Card Hits on Target Character are doubled when determining Cumulative K.O. for remainder of game. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ * ANGEL: HORSEMAN OF APOCALYPSE <CL> {C} E: 5 F: 7 S: 6 I: 2 (20) ____________________________________________________________________ * BARON MORDO <CL> {R} E: 7 F: 3 S: 2 I: 6 (18) * BARGAIN LIFEFORCE (JO) <CL> {U} Baron Mordo's Hits to K.O. is reduced by 7 points. Baron Mordo's Energy and Intellect Power Grid Ratings increase to 8 for the remainder of game. * DEMONIC SUMMONS (AQ) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 8 Strength, Fighting, or Intellect attack. * ILLUSION CASTING (AG) <CL> {U} Avoid 1 attack. * JEALOUS DISCIPLE (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Intellect attack, +1 for each Mission card in Baron Mordo's Defeated Missions Pile. * MYSTICAL MENACE (DO) <CL> {C} Negates the effect of any 1 Special card played by opponent against Baron Mordo only. * SPELL OF SILENCE (JY) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. May not be affected by a card with the word "teammate" on it. ____________________________________________________________________ * BETA RAY BILL <CL> {C} E: 5 F: 4 S: 7 I: 6 (22) ~ May play any "Thor" Special cards. ~ ____________________________________________________________________ * BLACK PANTHER <CL> {R} E: 2 F: 7 S: 5 I: 6 (20) * AFRICAN MONARCH (KM) <CL> {C} Play this Special card with any other Special card from Hand. Value of Special card is added to Black Panther's Venture Total for this battle. * AGILE WARRIOR (AG) <CL> {U} Avoid 1 attack. * BLACK PANTHER POWER (LR) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 4 Energy or Strength attack. May combine with 1 Intellect card for a single attack. * HEART SHAPED HERB (AL) <CL> {C} Remove 1 Hit from Black Panther's Permanent Record, and Black Panther's Fighting Rating increases to 8 for remainder of Battle. * JUNGLE SAVVY (JZ) <CL> {C} {C} Acts as a level 5 Fighting attack. May not be defended with a Special card. * WAKANDAN TECHNOLOGY (DQ) <CL> {U} Black Panther's Battlesite's Hits to K.O. number is increased by 5 points for remainder of game. ____________________________________________________________________ * BULLSEYE <CL> {R} E: 4 F: 8 S: 4 I: 2 (18) * ASSASSIN FOR HIRE (DD) <CL> {U} Discard 1 Intellect Power card usable by Bullseye. Bullseye is +2 to all Power card attacks against Target Character for remainder of game. * CAREFREE KILLER (JH) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Intellect attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * EVERYTHING'S A WEAPON! (JR) <CL> {R} [OPD] Bullseye may attack with any Special cards or Power cards in Hand for remainder of battle. * MURDERER (JX) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 4 Fighting attack. If Target Character is K.O.'d by this Hit, Bullseye may move 1 Mission card from the Defeated Pile to the Completed Pile. * PRECISION SHOT (AN) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 4 Energy, Fighting, Strength, or Intellect attack. May be used against Character in Reserve, who may defend. * RELENTLESS ASSAULT (KB) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 7 Fighting attack. If successful, acts as a level 3 Strength Hit. Hit goes on Target Character's Permanent Record. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ * CAPTAIN MAR-VELL <CL> {U} E: 6 F: 6 S: 6 I: 4 (22) ~ Energy Power Grid Rating is 8 for defense. ~ * COSMIC AWARENESS (HF) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 4 Energy or Intellect attack. * KREE STRATAGEM (AF) <CL> {C} Add 3 to Captain Mar-Vell's Venture Total, or opponent -3 to Venture Total for this battle. * NEGA-BANDS (JH) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 5 Fighting attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * PROTECTOR OF THE UNIVERSE (AD) <CL> {C} Captain Mar-Vell or teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less. * RICK JONES (JB) <CL> {R} [OPD] Remove all Hits from Captain Mar-Vell's Permanent Record and Current Battle, and switch places with the Reserve. * UNIVERSAL ALIGNMENT (KK) <CL> {R} [OPD] Play during battle. Both players move all Mission cards to Reserve Missions Pile. Mission cards Ventured this battle are now Ventured from Reserve Missions Pile. ____________________________________________________________________ * DAZZLER <CL> {U} E: 7 F: 3 S: 3 I: 3 (16) ~ Reserve may defend Dazzler with Power Cards, without Universe. ~ * ABSORB SOUND (BY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Dazzler must discard all cards with an Energy icon currently in Hand. Opponent must discard all cards with an Energy icon currently Placed and in Hand. * DISCO DIVA (JH) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Intellect attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * FOCUS ENERGY (FE) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. Each Front Line teammate may make 1 additional Energy attack. * LONGSHOT LOVE (HI) <CL> {U} Dazzler may Place and play any Longshot Special cards for remainder of game. * MOJOWORLD REBEL (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Fighting attack, +1 for each Mission card in opponent's Completed Missions Pile. * ROLLER QUEEN (AD) <CL> {C} Dazzler may avoid any numerical attack. ____________________________________________________________________ * DEATHLOK <CL> {U} E: 4 F: 5 S: 5 I: 6 (20) ~ May play "Luther Manning" from Reserve. ~ * CYBERCORPSE (JW) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Strength attack. May make 1 additional Power card attack. Neither attack may be defended with a Special card. * INTERNAL 'PUTER (KH) <CL> {C} Opponent -3 to Venture Total for this battle. If opponent has "Maximum Carnage" Mission, opponent -6 to Venture Total for this battle. * JOHN "SIEGE" KELLY (AY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Deathlok's Strength Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. * LUTHER MANNING (AY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Deathlok's Fighting Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. * MICHAEL COLLINS (AY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Deathlok's Intellect Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. * REALLY STRONG LASER (KB) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 7 Energy attack. If successful, acts as a level 3 Strength Hit. Hit goes on Target Character's Permanent Record. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ * DOCTOR DOOM: 2099 <CL> {R} E: 5 F: 3 S: 6 I: 7 (21) ____________________________________________________________________ * DRACULA <CL> {R} E: 3 F: 5 S: 6 I: 8 (22) * CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT (KT) <CL> {C} Target Character may not attack for remainder of battle until Target or teammate attacks this Special. Attack does not count toward Venture Total. * DENY VICTORY (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Energy attack, +1 for each Mission card in opponent's Completed Missions Pile. * LIFEBLOOD (KO) <CL> {U} Play with any Fighting Power Card attack. If attack is successful, remove all Hits of equal or lesser value from Dracula's Permanent Record. * LORD OF THE VAMPIRES (IC) <CL> {R} [OPD] Dracula's "Mesmerize" and "Lifeblood" become Any Character Specials for remainder of game. * MESMERIZE (JH) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * SUMMON THUNDER (KB) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 7 Strength attack. If successful, acts as a level 3 Strength Hit. Hit goes on Target Character's Permanent Record. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ ENFORCERS * THE EEL (KD) <CL> {U} [OPD] All MultiPower Power card Hits on Target Character are doubled when determining Cumulative K.O. for remainder of game. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ * FALCON <CL> {U} E: 3 F: 6 S: 5 I: 4 (18) ~ May Place and play any Fighting Basic Universe card. ~ * AERIAL MANEUVERS (KL) <CL> {C} Opponent must immediately discard all Special cards in play that affect the "remainder of the battle" or the "remainder of the game." * FLYBY (AN) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. May be used against Character in Reserve, who may defend. * MECHANICAL WINGS (AD) <CL> {U} Avoid 1 Strength or Fighting attack. * POWER DIVE (HT) <CL> {VR} [OPD] Discard any number of cards from Hand to appropriate Discard Piles. Sort through Power Pack and draw an equal number of cards. May not be duplicates. * REDWING (LQ) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 4 Fighting attack. If successful, may make 1 additional Fighting attack against same Character. Additional attack may not be defended. * SNAP WILSON (JS) <CL> {C} Falcon may combine MultiPower or Fighting Power cards with Fighting Basic Universe cards usable by Falcon to avoid any attack, for remainder of game. ____________________________________________________________________ FORGE * SPIRITUAL PURGING (KA) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 5 Energy, Fighting, Strength, or Intellect attack, +1 for each Character K.O.'d this game. ____________________________________________________________________ GREEN GOBLIN * REVELATIONS (BZ) <CL> {U} Target Character must reveal any cards in Hand playable by Target Character, and play those cards open-handed for remainder of battle. ____________________________________________________________________ THE HAND * ERYNYS (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Energy attack, +1 for each Mission card in The Hand's Defeated Missions Pile. ____________________________________________________________________ * HAVOK <CL> {U} E: 7 F: 3 S: 4 I: 5 (19) ~ +1 to all attacks vs. Characters with Energy Power Grid 7 or 8. ~ * ANNIHILATE (AS)=>(HR) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 9 Energy or Strength attack. * THE BROTHERHOOD (HE) <CL> {R} [OPD] Opponent's Team with Power Grid of 7 or 8 in Power Type of Havok's choice may not use Power cards of that Power Type to attack for remainder of battle. * COSMIC BATTERY (JS) <CL> {C} Havok may combine MultiPower or Energy Power cards with Energy Basic Universe cards usable by Havok to avoid any attack, for remainder of game. * GEO-KNOWLEDGE (KQ) <CL> {U} Remove 1 Hit from Havok's Battlesite. * PLASMA FLARE (AA) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 4 Fighting attack. May make 1 additional attack. * SIBLING RIVALRY (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Intellect attack, +1 for each Mission card in opponent's Completed Missions Pile. ____________________________________________________________________ THE HELLFIRE CLUB * EMMA FROST (KH) <CL> {C} Opponent -3 to Venture Total for this battle. If opponent has "The Dark Phoenix Saga" Mission, opponent -6 to Venture Total for this battle. ____________________________________________________________________ HENRY PYM * FOUNDING AVENGER (JZ) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Intellect attack. May not be defended with a Special card. ____________________________________________________________________ * HEROES FOR HIRE <CL> {R} E: 2 F: 7 S: 8 I:4 (21) * THE BLACK KNIGHT (JW) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Fighting attack. May make 1 additional Power card attack. Neither attack may be defended with a Special card. * HERCULES (JP) <CL> {C} Heroes For Hire's Hits to K.O. is increased by 4 and Heroes For Hire is -1 to all actions for remainder of game. * THE HULK (JC) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 5 Strength attack. Heroes For Hire may play 1 additional Special card. * IRON FIST (AS) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 11 Fighting attack. Heroes For Hire may not attack for remainder of battle. * POWER MAN (AD) <CL> {U} Avoid 1 Strength or Energy attack. * WHITE TIGER (HY) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 6 Fighting attack. If successful, Target Character must discard 2 cards of opponent's choice. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. ____________________________________________________________________ HOLOCAUST * NEMESIS (KH) <CL> {C} Opponent -3 to Venture Total for this battle. If opponent has "The Age of Apocalypse" Mission, opponent -6 to Venture Total for this battle. ____________________________________________________________________ * HULK: MR. FIX-IT <CL> {R} E: 2 F: 6 S: 6 I: 6 (20) ~ +1 to all attacks vs. Characters with Strength Power Grid 7 or 8. ~ ____________________________________________________________________ * HUMAN TORCH: INVADERS <CL> {U} E: 7 F: 6 S: 4 I: 3 (20) ____________________________________________________________________ HYDRA * FORTUNATO (DQ) <CL> {R} [OPD] Target Character's Hits to K.O. number is decreased by 5 points for remainder of game. ____________________________________________________________________ INHUMANS * MAXIMUS THE MAD (AS) <CL> {C} [OPD] Acts as a level 9 Intellect attack. ____________________________________________________________________ * INVISIBLE WOMAN: MALICE <CL> {U} E: 7 F: 6 S: 4 I: 2 (19) ____________________________________________________________________ * IRON MAN: ORIGINAL ARMOR <CL> {C} E: 4 F: 3 S: 5 I: 7 (19) ~ May have duplicate "Radar Warning" Special cards. ~ ____________________________________________________________________ * KA-ZAR <CL> {U} E: 1 F: 7 S: 5 I: 5 (18) ~ +1 to all attacks vs. Characters with Fighting Power Grid 7 or 8. ~ * JUNGLE SAVVY (JH) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Intellect attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * KING OF THE SAVAGE LAND (EN) <CL> {R} Play on your turn to Concede battle. Ka-Zar's Mission cards Ventured this battle return to pile Ventured from. Opponent's Mission cards advance as normal. * LORD KEVIN PLUNDER (KG) <CL> {U} Ka-Zar may not be attacked by a card with a Value of 7 or greater for remainder of battle. * PRIMITIVE ARSENAL (AQ) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 7 Energy, Fighting, Strength, or Intellect attack. * SHANNA THE SHE-DEVIL (KS) <CL> {C} Remove a Power card Hit from Ka-Zar's or Teammate's Permanent Record. * ZABU (JC) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Fighting attack. Ka-Zar may play 1 additional Special card. ____________________________________________________________________ KINGPIN * ASIAN CONNECTIONS (HE) <CL> {R} [OPD] Opponent's Team with Power Grid of 7 or 8 in Power Type of Kingpin's choice may not use Power cards of that Power Type to attack for remainder of battle. ____________________________________________________________________ KREE * DR. MINERVA (JV) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 3 Energy attack. If successful, opponent must reveal Hand and play open-handed for remainder of battle. ____________________________________________________________________ * LEADER <CL> {U} E: 3 F: 4 S: 2 I: 7 (16) ~ Power cards are +2 for defense if "Twisted Mentality" is in play. ~ * FREEHOLD (BR) <CL> {C} Leader may have 1 additional card Placed on him until Leader is K.O.'d. May be played from Reserve. * GREEN 'N MEAN (KH) <CL> {C} Opponent -3 to Venture Total for this battle. If opponent has "Annihilation Affair" Mission, opponent -6 to Venture Total for this battle. * OMNIBUS (BY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Leader must discard all cards with an Intellect icon currently in Hand. Opponent must discard all cards with an Intellect icon currently Placed and in Hand. * THE REGENERATION CRYSTAL (KF) <CL> {R} [OPD] For every Hit in Leader's Permanent Record, move 1 Mission card from the Defeated Missions Pile to the Reserve Missions Pile. * TECHNO-ARSENAL (JH) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * TWISTED MENTALITY (KC) <CL> {C} All attacks by opponent's team must be made against Leader until Leader is K.O.'d or cannot be attacked. ____________________________________________________________________ * MAGGOT <CL> {R} E: 4 F: 6 S: 4 I: 4 (18) ~ May play "Slugfest" from Reserve. ~ * AWESOME AUSSIE (DO) <CL> {C} Negates the effect of any 1 Special card played by opponent against Maggot only. * SLUGFEST (AY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Maggot's Strength Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. * TUNNEL WORMS (HY) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. If successful, Target Character must discard 2 cards of opponent's choice. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. ____________________________________________________________________ MARAUDERS * RIPTIDE (DQ) <CL> {U} [OPD] Opponent's team's Hits to K.O. number is decreased by 3 points for remainder of battle. ____________________________________________________________________ * MARROW <CL> {R} E: 2 F: 6 S: 4 I: 4 (16) ~ May have 1 Duplicate "Bone Snap" Special card. ~ * BONE SNAP (CC) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Energy Power card. May be used to attack or defend. May not be combined with Universe cards. * DOUBLEHEART (CG) <CL> {U} [OPD] Marrow cannot be Spectrum K.O.'d for remainder of game. * MORLOCK HISTORY (KD) <CL> {R} [OPD] All Intellect Power Card Hits on Target Character are doubled when determining Cumulative K.O. for remainder of game. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ * MOLE MAN <CL> {U} E: 4 F: 4 S: 2 I: 6 (16) ~ Power cards are +2 for defense if "Social Outcast" is in play. ~ * ENERGY STAFF (JZ) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. May not be defended with a Special card. * THE MOLE MEN (JU) <CL> {C} Mole Man may make 1 follow-up attack after Mole Man plays a Universe: Teamwork card for remainder of game. * MONSTER ISLAND (FD) <CL> {VR} [OPD] Only Mole Man and Target Character may attack, be attacked, or defend this battle. * SOCIAL OUTCAST (KC) <CL> {C} All attacks by opponent's team must be made against Mole Man until Mole Man is K.O.'d or cannot be attacked. * STRATEGIC TUNNELING (AO) <CL> {C} Negates the effect of any 1 Special card played by opponent. * UPROOT EARTH (LC) <CL> {R} [OPD] Acts as a level 1 MultiPower attack against Target Character, or a level 11 Any Power attack against Target Battlesite. ____________________________________________________________________ MORLOCKS * LEECH (JT) <CL> {C} [OPD] Morlocks may discard up to 4 cards from Hand. Opponent must discard an equal number of cards from Hand, and 1 Placed card of opponent's choice. ____________________________________________________________________ NEW WARRIORS * TURBO (JW) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Energy attack. May make 1 additional Power card attack. Neither attack may be defended with a Special card. ____________________________________________________________________ NICK FURY * LMD (EB) <CL> {U} [OPD] Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made on Nick Fury may be moved to LMD. Nick Fury's team may not defend. LMD K.O.'d with 1 Hit. ____________________________________________________________________ ONSLAUGHT * DARK THOUGHTS (EI) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 2 Intellect attack. May be made after opponent has conceded the battle. Opponent may defend. ____________________________________________________________________ POST * MYSTERIOUS PAST (KB) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 7 Intellect attack. If successful, acts as a level 3 Strength Hit. Hit goes on Target Character's Permanent Record. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ * PSYCHO-MAN <CL> {U} E: 5 F: 2 S: 5 I: 6 (18) ~ May play "Emotion Box" from Reserve. ~ * DOUBT (BD) <CL> {R} [OPD] Target opponent may not use Power Type of Psycho-Man's choice for remainder of battle. * EMOTION BOX (HH) <CL> {C} Psycho-Man may have an unlimited number of Special cards Placed on him until Psycho-Man is K.O.'d. Specials may not be duplicates. * FEAR (CM) <CL> {U} Opponent's team is -2 to all attacks against Psycho-Man for remainder of battle. * HATE (KI) <CL> {C} Opponent's team may not play any cards with the word "teammate" for remainder of battle. Affected cards do not have to be discarded. * MALICE (HI) <CL> {R} Psycho-Man may Place and play any Invisible Woman Special cards for remainder of game. * MICROVERSE MENACE (JS) <CL> {C} Psycho-Man may combine MultiPower or Intellect Power cards with Intellect Basic Universe cards usable by Psycho-Man to avoid any attack for remainder of game. ____________________________________________________________________ * PUPPET MASTER <CL> {U} E: 6 F: 3 S: 1 I: 6 (16) ~ May play "Alicia Masters" from Reserve. ~ * ALICIA MASTERS (JQ) <CL> {C} Puppet Master +3 to Venture Total for this battle. If opponent has "The Coming of Galactus" Mission, Puppet Master +6 to Venture Total for this battle. * AUTOMATONS (AR) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 7 Strength attack. * CRIMINAL MASTERMIND (HB) <CL> {C} Sort through opponent's Power Pack and remove any 3 cards of Puppet Master's choice. Discard chosen cards into Dead Pile. Reshuffle Power Pack. * LIDDLEVILLE (LS) <CL> {R} [OPD] Play during battle. Next Battle, opponent may not play any Activator cards. * MENTAL DOMINATION (BQ) <CL> {R} [OPD] Play during battle. Puppet Master may exchange this card for any 1 Special card in Dead Pile not playable by Puppet Master and play it immediately. * MYSTIC CLAY (KL) <CL> {C} Opponent must immediately discard all Special cards in play that affect the "remainder of the Battle" or the "remainder of the game." ____________________________________________________________________ REAVERS * GATEWAY (LI) <CL> {R} [OPD] Discard all cards Placed on 1 Front Line teammate and remove all Hits on teammate's Permanent Record. ____________________________________________________________________ RED SKULL * THE SCOURGE (KD) <CL> {C} [OPD] All Strength Power Card Hits on Target Character are doubled when determining Cumulative K.O. for remainder of game. Does not count toward Venture Total. ____________________________________________________________________ * REYES <CL> {R} E: 6 F: 2 S: 2 I: 6 (16) ~ Intellect Power Grid Rating is 8 for defense. ~ * FORCE PROJECTION (BJ) <CL> {R} [OPD] Reyes may not be attacked for remainder of battle. * MEDICAL BACKGROUND (KR) <CL> {C} Remove 1 Hit of 5 or less from the Permanent Record or Hits From Current Battle of Reyes or teammate. May affect Venture Total. * RELUCTANT HERO (AL)=>(AI) <CL> {U} Target Character must discard 1 Placed card of Reyes' choice. ____________________________________________________________________ * SCORPION <CL> {U} E: 5 F: 5 S: 7 I: 2 (19) ~ +1 to attack if opponent has 4, 5, or 6 Mission cards in Completed Pile. ~ * ACID SPRAY (JH) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * ARACHNID STRENGTH (JS) <CL> {C} Scorpion may combine MultiPower or Strength Power cards with Strength Basic Universe cards usable by Scorpion to avoid any attack for remainder of game. * THE JAMESON CONNECTION (HE) <CL> {R} [OPD] Opponent's Team with Power Grid of 7 or 8 in Power Type of Scorpion's choice may not use Power cards of that Power Type to attack for remainder of battle. * MAC GARGAN: PRIVATE EYE (BY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Scorpion must discard all cards with a Strength icon currently in Hand. Opponent must discard all cards with a Strength icon currently Placed and in Hand. * SAVAGE INSANITY (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Intellect attack, +1 for each Mission card in Scorpion's Defeated Missions Pile. * SCORPION STING (AR) <CL> {U} Acts as a level 7 Fighting attack. ____________________________________________________________________ SERPENT SOCIETY * FER-DE-LANCE (EI) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 2 Energy Attack. May be made after opponent has conceded the battle. Opponent may defend. ____________________________________________________________________ * SHADOWCAT: AGE OF APOCALYPSE <CL> {VR} E: 6 F: 6 S: 3 I: 3 (18) ~ May attack the Reserve with Intellect or Strength Power cards. ~ ____________________________________________________________________ SHADOWCAT * CAT CLAWS (HO) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Fighting attack. If opponent has "The Age of Apocalypse" Mission, opponent also -3 to Venture Total for this battle. ____________________________________________________________________ * SHANG CHI: MASTER OF KUNG FU <CL> {U} E: 2 F: 7 S: 5 I: 5 (19) ~ May play "Elixir Vitae" from Reserve. ~ * THE ELIXIR VITAE (KJ) <CL> {U} [OPD] Play during battle. After being K.O.'d, Shang-Chi is resurrected at beginning of next battle, remains in play until end of battle, and is discarded at end of battle. * FU MANCHU (HE) <CL> {R} [OPD] Opponent's Team with Power Grid of 7 or 8 in Power Type of Shang-Chi's choice may not use Power cards of that Power Type to attack for remainder of battle. * KUNG FU SECRETS (DG) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 2 Intellect attack. May make 2 additional attacks. * MEDITATIVE FOCUS (BY) <CL> {R} [OPD] Shang-Chi must discard all cards with a Fighting icon currently in Hand. Opponent must discard all cards with a Fighting icon currently Placed and in Hand. * MI-6 (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Energy attack, +1 for each Mission card in opponent's Completed Missions Pile. * SUDDEN STRIKE (AR) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 6 Strength attack. ____________________________________________________________________ SHI'AR * NIGHTSIDE (LT) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Fighting attack, +1 for each Mission card in Shi'ar's Defeated Missions Pile. ____________________________________________________________________ * SPIDER-MAN: SYMBIOTIC COSTUME <CL> {R} E: 6 F: 5 S: 7 I: 2 (20) ____________________________________________________________________ STARJAMMERS * PROFESSOR X (HN) <CL> {R} Acts as a level 8 Any-Power attack. Does not count toward Spectrum K.O. ____________________________________________________________________ * SUPERPATRIOT <CL> {U} E: 3 F: 6 S: 7 I: 2 (18) ~ May play any "Captain America" Special cards. ~ ____________________________________________________________________ * THUNDERBOLTS <C> {U} E: 7 F: 5 S: 4 I: 6 (22) * ATLAS (KT) <CL> {C} Target Character may not attack for remainder of battle until Target or teammate attacks this Special. Attack does not count toward Venture Total. * CITIZEN V (KD) <CL> {R} [OPD] All Fighting Power card Hits on Target Character are doubled when determining Cumulative K.O. for remainder of game. Does not count toward Venture Total. * M.A.C.H.1 (JH) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 5 Fighting attack. If successful, Target Character -2 to defense for remainder of battle. * METEORITE (KE) <CL> {R} [OPD] Draw 2 cards from top of Thunderbolts' Draw Pile. Put 1 card on bottom of Draw Pile. Put 1 card in Hand. May be duplicate. * SONGBIRD (KP) <CL> {C} Play with any Power card usable by Thunderbolts. Thunderbolts may not be attacked by a Power card of equal or lesser value for remainder of battle. * TECHNO (AE) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 4 Intellect attack. May combine with 1 Fighting card for a single attack. ____________________________________________________________________ WHITE QUEEN * CORPORATE CUTTHROAT (JW) <CL> {C} Acts as a level 3 Intellect attack. May make 1 additional Power Card attack. Neither attack may be defended with a Special Card. ____________________________________________________________________ X-BABIES * LI'L ICEMAN (KL) <CL> {C} Opponent must immediately discard all Special cards in play that affect "the remainder of the battle" or "the remainder of the Game." _______________________________________________________________________________ L O C A T I O N C A R D S * AGE OF APOCALYPSE <CL> {R} MORPH, SHADOWCAT, HOLOCAUST, DARK BEAST, BLINK, X-MAN ~ Age of Apocalypse Team +2 to Venture Total per battle if using "Age of Apocalypse" Mission with at least 1 Event card. ~ * THE BIG APPLE <CL> {C} HEROES FOR HIRE, FALCON, THUNDERBOLTS, DAREDEVIL, SPIDER-MAN, MORBIUS ~ Big Apple Team begins game with 6 Mission cards in Reserve Missions Pile and 1 Mission card in Defeated Missions Pile. ~ * GAMMA BASE <CL> {C} HULK, SHE-HULK, DOC SAMSON, LEADER, ABOMINATION, THUNDERBOLTS ~ Gamma Base Team -2 to Venture Total per battle if opponent is using "Annihilation Affair" Mission. ~ * THE SEWER <CL> {C} ABOMINATION, MORLOCKS, VENOM, THE MOLE MAN, LIZARD, ANGEL ~ The Sewer Team's Intellect Power cards +2 for defense. ~ * WAKANDA <CL> {R} BLACK PANTHER, DR. DOOM, VISION, HAWKEYE, STORM, KLAW ~ Wakanda Team's MultiPower Power cards are -1 to attack. ~ _______________________________________________________________________________ P O W E R C A R D ANY-POWER * 7A <CL> {U} =>[OPD] Dormammu _______________________________________________________________________________ T A C T I C C A R D S ARTIFACT ENERGY * 6E 5E THE INFINITY GAUNTLET <CL> {VR} [OPD] Teammate may discard 5 cards from top of Draw Pile to Dead Pile after Draw Phase, before Events are played, each battle to resurrect any 1 K.O.'d teammate for that battle. Discard teammate at end of battle. * 6E 5E THE SERPENT CROWN <CL> {R} [OPD] Teammate's Energy Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. FIGHTING * 6F 5F THE COSMIC CONTROL ROD <CL> {R} [OPD] Teammate may move 1 Mission card from Completed or Reserve Missions Pile to Defeated Missions Pile after Draw Phase of each battle to discard 6 cards from Hand. Draw 6 new cards from top of Draw Pile. Normal discard rules apply. * 6F 5F THE SUPER SOLDIER SERUM <CL> {R} [OPD] Teammate's Fighting Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. STRENGTH * 6S 5S ADAMANTIUM TENTACLES <CL> {R} [OPD] Teammate's Strength Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. * 6S 5S PYM PARTICLES <CL> {C} [OPD] During each Draw Phase, teammate and opponent draw either 6 cards, 8 cards, or 10 cards. Teammate's choice before Draw Phase. May change each battle. INTELLECT * 6I 5I THE BOOK OF THE DARKHOLD <CL> {R} [OPD] Teammate's Intellect Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game. * 6I 5I THE ULTIMATE NULLIFIER <CL> {R} Negates the effect of all Artifact cards. Both players must discard all Placed Artifact cards and all Artifact cards in play. Discard this card after use. DOUBLE SHOT ENERGY * 6E 4E 6F I <CL> {C} Mandrill & Nekra * 6E 4E 6S F <CL> {C} Torpedo & Rom * 6E 4E 6S I <CL> {C} She-Hulk & Starfox * 6E 4E 6I E <CL> {C} Forge & Storm FIGHTING * 6F 4F 6E S <CL> {C} Hellstorm & Hellcat * 6F 4F 6S I <CL> {C} Tigra & Wonder Man * 6F 4F 6I F <CL> {C} Baron Von Strucker & Red Skull * 6F 4F 6I S <CL> {C} Hawkeye & Mockingbird STRENGTH * 6S 4S 6E S <CL> {C} Blink & Rogue * 6S 4S 6F S <CL> {C} Thor & Lady Sif * 6S 4S 6I F <CL> {C} Howard the Duck & Man-Thing * 6S 4S 6I S <CL> {C} Valkyrie & Nighthawk INTELLECT * 6I 4I 6E I <CL> {C} Baron Zemo & Arnim Zola * 6I 4I 6F S <CL> {C} Dr. Doom & Namor * 6I 4I 6F I <CL> {C} Daredevil & Black Widow * 6I 4I 6S E <CL> {C} Vanguard & Darkstar _______________________________________________________________________________ E V E N T C A R D ANY MISSION Event: * TO SAVE THE WORLD! <CL> {R} Squadron Supreme For remainder of Battle, after Venturing, if one player either draws or discards cards, Placed or in Hand, then other player must draw or discard an equal number of cards, either Placed or in Hand. _______________________________________________________________________________ O T H E R C L A S S I C O P C O L L E C T I B L E I T E M BOOSTER DISPLAY BOX * CLASSIC OVERPOWER Marvel Expansion ( 36 packs, 15 cards each ) <CL> _______________________________________________________________________________ C H E C K L I S T C O D E K E Y (XX) Special card two-letter codes (reference: OverPower Specials Guide) => Actual => correction or official errata ~ ~ Inherent Ability text <CL> Classic OverPower Marvel expansion {C} Common rarity level {U} Uncommon rarity level {R} Rare rarity level {VR} Very Rare rarity level [OPD] One Per Deck designation